Photo, Valley Irrigation Services Arizona South West

Serving You Is Priority One

Backed by decades of experience, we fulfill your individual irrigation needs with a variety of services so you can maximize your yield in a sustainable, efficient, and cost-effective manner.

Pivot Design & Installation

As your full-service irrigation provider, help you tailor each solution from well design to the end of the system. We meet the needs of modern farming practices related to precision agriculture and water conservation through industry-leading knowledge and the latest technology. 

Photo, Valley Irrigation Pivot Sprinklers South West View


Superior, efficient, and prompt excavation with our Vermeer T-655 Trencher. Our team is equipped to handle any trenching project that you might have for us.

Photo, Valley Irrigation Services Trenching South West

Underground Irrigation Piping

Underground irrigation piping in an optimal solution for many farmers. Connect your center pivots to its water source while protecting the piping from the natural elements.

Drip Tape Installation

Conserve water resources with our professional drip tape installation. This precise and targeted application of water promotes efficient resource utilization, reduces water wastage, and contributes to sustainable agriculture practices.

Photo, Valley Irrigation Services Arizona South West Wiring

Preventative Maintenance

Winterizing and preventative maintenance helps to ensure equipment stays in working condition for the upcoming season.  Extend the life of your equipment with regular preventative maintenance.

Service & Repairs

Contact our team for any sprinkler, pump, wire, or irrigation services and repairs that may be needed throughout the year. Our staff is knowledgeable in troubleshooting any pump and can get operations up and running quickly.

Request A Quote

Call us at 602-397-8483 for pricing!